A few of our references

C-frame Press, 100 ton, delivered to STILL GmbH

C-frame Press, delivered to STILL GmbH


Jack Tester Units, delivered to the

Dutch Ministry of Defence

Tripod Jack Tester


Portal Presses, delivered to the

Netherlands Aerospace Centre

Hydraulic Gantry Press used in the Aerospace Industry


Hydraulic presses line, delivered to

Aeroworks Composites

Press line Profi Press


Rubberpad Forming Press, delivered to

Marel Poultry B.V.

Rubberpad Forming Press


400 tons portal press with 6 meter table length, delivered to

Sigma Gruppe

Large Gantry Press - 400 ton


Profi Press C-frame Press, delivered to Airbus Helicopters

C-frame Press delivered to Airbus Helicopters




Hydraulic Punching Machine with Customized Tools, delivered to SodaStream

Hydraulic Punching Machine



Custom-Made C-frame Press,

delivered to the Dutch Railways

Custom-Made C-frame Press - NS Nedtrain Haarlem


Several hydraulic workshop presses, delivered to

VDL Groep

Werkplaatspersen bij VDL Groep


Custom 500 tons production press, delivered to

Mouw Hoedliggers

Prensa hidráulica de producción - Profi Press



PPC-MT-60 with an additional table plate and various tools / stamps. Delivered to the Railways in Belgium!

C-frame Press with Movable Table - Custom Made


Horizontal Hydraulic Press with customized tools, delivered to Farmtech d.o.o.

Prensa Hidraulica Horizontal


Workshop Press, 100 ton M/H-M/C-2 D=1500,

delivered to IPTE Iberia Lda 

Workshop Press 100 tons


2 x C-frame Presses (PPCT-100), 

delivered to Huhtamaki 

C-frame Press (100 Tons)



C-frame Press, customized 150 ton

delivered to DAF Trucks

Hydraulic C-frame Press - custom-made


Portal Press, 160 ton D=1500,

delivered to Liebherr Panama

Straightening Press - Profi Press


Deep Drawing C-frame Press (100 tons capacity),

delivered to HGS Racing

Deep Drawing C-frame Press


300 ton workshop press with customized accessories, delivered to Elestor B.V.

Workshop Press 300 Ton with NC-control and table plates


Broaching Presses, delivered to Fokker Landing Gear B.V. – GKN Aerospace

 Broaching Press



Customized Portal Press,

delivered to CPM Europe  

Straightening Press with special collection tray